Wednesday, July 12, 2006

from glittyknittykitty, UK

We love this 'icy' look from Glittrgirl, part of the Glittyknittykitty crew...enter their world at - guerilla knitting central...

from Houston, USA

This beautiful "wave" pattern arrived today from Mary Sue in Houston, TX......thanks MS, and keep track of the updates here and on the official website to see pics of river swelling to giant proportions!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

from San Francisco, USA

11/07/2006: here's our first square from the Men Who Knit team. Thanks to John in San Francisco for this one, complete with a MWK button badge. Check out their brilliant website at (if you're a man who knits!). Thanks to everyone there who has embraced the Knit A River project, we're really excited and encouraged by your efforts....